Finals Week and All That Jazz  

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Next week is my last week of school this semester. I am so glad. This semester seems to have gone by fairly quickly.

I am most excited about all the free time I'll have to devote to my writing. Thanksgiving vacation was a very productive time for me. Hopefully I can have the short story revised and ready for submission by January. I have my fingers crossed.

I've been having some really good ideas popping up, and some new projects that I'm really wanting to get started on.

Still no title for the short story, and it doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

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3 comments: to “ Finals Week and All That Jazz

  • Peter J. Crowley
    December 5, 2008 at 7:34 AM  

    Good for you a productive Thanksgiving. I cooked and I ate repeat three times. Titles are tough. I used to not title anything I wrote or any of my photographs. Perhaps when it is finished you can share it with your inner circle of friends and come up with a title?
    enjoy pjc

  • Dani
    December 5, 2008 at 6:17 PM  

    I was thinking I'd do that or throw some names in a hat and take what comes. It's funny because thinking of a title is usually the first thing I do when I start something new.

  • Michelle H.
    December 5, 2008 at 6:52 PM  

    The titles will appear when you least expect it. I get my best ones from dreams, only to later change them four times. Ah, well.

    Glad you had a productive time. Those are so hard to come by during the holiday rush between Thanksgiving and Christmas.


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